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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Final Fantasy 3

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Game Name : Final Fantasy 3
System : SNES
Date Added : 2005-01-26 10:58:42
Views : 18870

Instant Airship
Just enter C0C8340C as a pro action replay code in your emulators menu (SNES9X).

Sprint Shoes
Just enter C0CE2E00 as the PAR code in your SNES emulator.

Walk through walls anywhere
Just enter C0D04FFF as the PAR code in your SNES emulator or if you have the PAR replay gameshark device.

Get gold
Enter C2DDE8CC as the PAR Code.

Get Illumina or Ragnarok after battle
Enter C2DF0CCC as the PAR code.

Learn all spells of equipped Esper after one battle
Enter C2E050FF as the PAR code.

Getting General Leo Back
Go to the forest east of Gau's father's house and kill 4000 dragons and then a gold dragon will appear (like the one in kefka's tower) and when you kill it, it should give you reserect, it may take 2 or three tries (the dragon will still be there). After you get reserect go to leo's grave and use it and he will join your party.

Water Rondo
To get Mog's best dance, Water Rondo, you need to get him in your party in the World of Balance. To do this, you must go to Narshe, and into the house with the locked treasure chests. Lone Wolf will be there, ONLY if you let him escape earlier. He'll run away with the treasure. Follow him. At the top of the snowfields, Lone Wolf will hold Mog hostage. You must choose between Mog and a Golden Hairpin. You can get the Hairpin later in the game, and this is the only time you can get Mog to learn the Water Rondo. Once you learn it, head over to Nikeah in your airship. There is a chocobo stable around, rent one, and follow the path to Mobliz, and Crescent Mountain. Jump in the current, and you'll be delivered to your airship.

The exp. egg
The exp. doubles exp. you recieve in a battle. You must be in the ruined world. Enter Darel's Tomb (where the air ship is). Starting from the enterance walk down as far as you can without entering the door, go left, down, and right through the door to the basement. Search the right wall until you find a wall that you can walk right through, enter and get the exp. egg in the treasure chest.

Zozo's clock code
In the thief town, Zozo, go to the building where you have to set the clock. Then enter: 6, 10, 50 this will enable you to open the secret passage and get Edgar's new tool.

Want Sabin's Final Blitz?
To get Sabin's final blitz, Bum Rush, you must be in the Ruined World. Fly north to Narshe, the cave town, and look on that continent for four trees shaped in a cross. Land and walk into the trees. You will meet Sabin's trainer and he will teach him the final blitz.

The best place for exp.
Once you are in the Ruined World and have an airship go north of the velt. There will be a forest in the rough shape of a head and a mountain just east of it. Gau's father lives west of it, if that helps. Now, you must have only one person in your group and put on "vanish." Just fight around and bathe in all the exp.

How to get all of Strago's lores
To get all of the lores, go to Kefka's tower and fight DARK FORCE. Use life three on all of your party members. Also take Strago with you because he has to learn the lores. The Dark Force will use all of the lore attacks that Strago needs to know. (You will have to wait awhile to get the dark force to use Quassar)

Duplicate weapons, or shields
1. Enter a battle.
2. Get the person u want to duplicate items from.
3. Go to items menu.
4. Select an empty slot, then the item you want to duplicate by pressing up(This person must be holding the item).
5. Start running and press B.
6. Press X, then go to the equip menu.
7. Equip the item u unequiped durring the battle.
8. Have fun with the 2 items you now have.


1. Sell 1 item u duplicated and get money.
2. The Excalibur is worth more than the crystal sword.

Paladin Shield
To achieve the paladin shield you must use the cursed shield 255 times in battle consecutively without going into a town or status menu ( including the airship.) I suggest you use the cursed shield in an easy fighting zone for quicker battle.

first learn VANISH and X- zone or VANISH and DOOM.
<1>cast vanish on desired enemy.
<2>cast ether x-zone or doom.
<3>watch them die.
p.s will not work on KeFA C-yah

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